Adresse : Macacha Güemes 515
Ville : Buenos Aires
Pays : Argentine
Tél. : +54 011 5441 0000
Site internet : https://www.ypf.com/english/Paginas/Home.aspx
Description (Fr) : YPF est la société d'exploration, de production et de raffinage en Argentine.
Description (En) : YPF is the main energy company in Argentina, with a share in the production of oil and gas of 43% in the local market and 56% in naphtha. YPF is leader in the production of unconventional resources. It is an integrated energy company that generates a varied offer: natural gas, electricity, fuels, petrochemical inputs, lubricants and agro products, among others. It has more than 1500 gas stations that allow the supply the country.
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