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  • Yamal LNG Ships Second Million Tons of LNG
    édité le 10/05/2018

Yamal LNG Ships Second Million Tons of LNG
Yamal LNG has shipped the second million tons of LNG produced at its first LNG train.

The LNG produced at Yamal LNG commenced shipments from December 2017 utilizing Arc7 ice class carriers each holding 170 thousand cubic meters, or approximately 74 thousand tons of LNG. Yamal LNG reached the second millionth ton shipped on the 27th cargo loaded and dispatched at the Sabetta seaport from the first LNG train.

LNG deliveries under long-term contracts started in April 2018, with four (4) LNG cargos already shipped under such commitments.

In April, the first firing of compressor gas turbines was performed at the second LNG train comprising 5.5 million tons per annum, which represents one of the key milestones in the preparation of the train’s upcoming launch.

About Yamal LNG

Yamal LNG is constructing a 16.5 mmtpa natural gas liquefaction plant utilizing the hydrocarbon resources of the South-Tambeyskoye field on the Yamal peninsula located in the Arctic territory of the Russian Federation. The first LNG train commenced LNG production in the fourth quarter 2017 with the loading of the inaugural tanker on 8 December 2017. Yamal LNG shareholders include: PAO NOVATEK (50.1%), Total (20%), CNPC (20%), and the Silk Road Fund (9.9%).

Origine : Communiqué Yamal LNG

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