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  • Vopak 50% shareholder in EemsEnergy Terminal
    édité le 01/12/2023 - Plus de news de "GASUNIE" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "GASUNIE"

Vopak 50% shareholder in EemsEnergy Terminal
Vopak and Gasunie are happy to announce that Vopak has become a 50% shareholder in EemsEnergy Terminal B.V. This successfully completes the principle agreement that was announced in April 2023.

EemsEnergyTerminal is an LNG import terminal located in the Eemshaven in the Netherlands. Gasunie developed this floating LNG terminal in the Eemshaven area to increase the security of gas supply and to reduce the dependency on Russian gas. The LNG terminal has been operational since 15 September 2022. It allows for an additional import of 8 billion cubic meters(bcm) per year, ca. 25% of the annual gas demand in the Netherlands. The partners are working to increase the capacity further towards 10 bcm per year. This agreement highlights the commitment of Gasunie and Vopak to jointly develop and operate open access LNG infrastructure and contribute to the energy security of Europe. The partners are planning the further development of the Eemshaven site to facilitate the import of green hydrogen.

Hans Coenen, member executive board at Gasunie: “I am pleased with Vopak entering as co-shareholder in EemsEnergyTerminal. Vopak is our long-term partner in enabling LNG- import and terminalling. By pooling our knowledge and experience we offer a unique and reliable LNG import solution and we will be even better positioned and committed to the future developments.”

Dick Richelle, CEO at Vopak: “We are excited to build upon our successful partnership with Gasunie. This fits very well with Vopak’s strategy to grow in LNG infrastructure and accelerate towards new energies. We are proud to develop and operate reliable and open access infrastructure as this plays an important role both in the security of energy, as well as in the energy transition.”

Vopak and Gasunie are both the founders and joint owners of the LNG Gate terminal in Rotterdam which has been operational since 2011. Both Gate terminal and EemsEnergyTerminal play a crucial role in the supply and availability of gas in the Netherlands and its neighboring countries. Once all envisaged projects have been completed, the combined total regas capacity of both terminals will be 28 billion cubic meters per year.

About Gasunie

Gasunie is a European gas infrastructure company. The company provides the transport of natural gas and green gas via its subsidiaries Gasunie Transport Services B.V. (GTS) in the Netherlands and Gasunie Deutschland in Germany. The company also offers other services in the gas infrastructure field, including gas storage and LNG.

About Royal Vopak

Royal Vopak is the world’s leading independent tank storage company. We store vital products with care. Products for everyday life. The energy that allows people to cook, heat or cool their homes and for transportation. The chemicals that enable companies to manufacture millions of useful products. The edible oils to prepare food. We take pride in improving access to cleaner energy and feedstocks for a growing world population, ensuring safe, clean and efficient storage and handling of bulk liquid products and gases at strategic locations around the world. We are excited to help shape a sustainable future by developing infrastructure solutions for new vital products, focusing on zero- and low-carbon hydrogen, ammonia, CO2, long duration energy storage and sustainable feedstocks. We have a track record of over 400 years in navigating change and are continuously investing in innovation. On sustainability, we are ambitious and performance driven, with a balanced roadmap that reflects key topics that matter most to our stakeholders and where we can have a positive impact for people, planet and profit and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Vopak is listed on the Euronext Amsterdam and is headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Origine : Communiqué GASUNIE

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