Venture Global LNG
Adresse : 1001 19th Street North - Suite 1500
Ville : Arlington -État de Virginie
Code postal : VA 22209
Pays : Etats-Unis
Tél. : 1-202-759-6740
Site internet :
Description (Fr) : Venture Global LNG est un fournisseur de GNL approvisionné à partir de bassins de gaz naturel en Amérique du Nord. Venture Global développe les terminaux de liquéfaction de gaz naturel Calcasieu Pass et Plaquemines LNG en Louisiane.
Description (En) : Venture Global LNG is a long-term, low-cost provider of LNG to be supplied from resource rich North American natural gas basins and is currently constructing or developing 50 MTPA of production capacity in Louisiana. The 10 MTPA Venture Global Calcasieu Pass facility is under construction at the intersection of the Calcasieu Ship Channel and the Gulf of Mexico. The 20 MTPA Venture Global Plaquemines LNG facility is expected to commence construction this year and is located south of New Orleans on the Mississippi River. Venture Global LNG is also developing the 20 MTPA Venture Global Delta LNG facility, adjacent to Plaquemines.
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