Rosneft announces the termination of its operations in Venezuela and the disposal of its assets, related to operating in Venezuela.
Rosneft concluded an agreement with the company 100% owned by the Government of Russian Federation, to sell all of its interest and cease participation in its Venezuelan businesses, including joint ventures of Petromonagas, Petroperija, Boqueron, Petromiranda and Petrovictoria, as well as oil-field services companies, commercial and trading operations.
As a result of the concluded agreement all assets and trading operations of Rosneft in Venezuela and/or connected with Venezuela will be disposed of, terminated or liquidated.
The concluded transaction and the sale of assets will result in Rosneft receiving as a settlement payment a 9.6% share of Rosneft’s equity capital that will be held by a 100% subsidiary of Rosneft and accounted for as treasury stock.
About Rosneft
Rosneft is the leader of Russia’s petroleum industry and the world’s largest publicly traded petroleum company. Company’s main activities include prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, oil, gas and gas-condensate production, upstream offshore projects, processing, as well as oil, gas, and product marketing in Russia and abroad. The Company is included in the list of strategic companies and organizations of Russia. Company’s largest shareholder (69.50% of the equity) is ROSNEFTEGAZ OJSC, fully owned by the Russian Government, while BP holds 19.75% of shares, one share belongs to the state represented by Federal Agency for State Property Management, whereas the remaining shares are free floating.