The Vice President of Refining of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), Guillermo Blanco and the Deputy from the Homeland Block, Asdrúbal Chávez, held a meeting with the staff of El Palito Refinery to discuss the revitalization of the Carabobo state refining complex, consistent with the guidelines issued by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
The General Manager of El Palito Refinery, Yamil Asfur, and his management team, led a working group meeting with Blanco and Chávez to look into the strategies for the development of projects that enhance the refining complex’s reliability and ensure fuel supply in central west Venezuela.
Blanco and Chávez, an outstanding leader on the defeat of the 2002 oil sabotage (the strike and accompanying acts of sabotage against PDVSA), toured the operational areas and spoke with the workers of the Alkylation and Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units, who reaffirmed their commitment to PDVSA.
According to Blanco, this is the first visit within El Palito Refinery Revitalization Plan. “The support of Deputy Chávez translates into positive results; he’s a professional with a lot of experience in oil. We are certain that with his ideas and the workers’, we’ll make a great team to maintain a high morale while defending the country’s premier industry”, he said.
Deputy Chávez described the working group meeting as productive. "The plans that were presented have strengthened this refinery in recent months. I’ve met again with loyal men and women with a great sense of belonging. These ‘irons’ are a key piece in the country's National Refining Circuit; that is why we are going to work as a team to strengthen its operations”, he said.
The monitoring visits that the PDVSA Board of Directors has been conducting will strengthen El Palito's crude processing capacity.
Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., the state-owned corporation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is responsible for the efficient, profitable, and dependable exploration, production, refining, transport and commerce of hydrocarbons. This company is deeply committed to environmental protection and its main objectives are to foster the harmonic development of the country, to guarantee sovereignty of national resources, to increase endogenous development and to serve and benefit the Venezuelan people, who correspond to their share of the country’s national wealth.