With the Ship-to-Ship operation of 31 July 2020, OLT reaches 100 LNG discharges at . One hundred cargoes received from all over the world. OLT Terminal has received LNG from the main exporting countries such as: Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States, and from other European terminals (Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands). An important fact as evidence of the contribution of “FSRU Toscana” to the security and diversification of supply. The total quantity of LNG discharged so far is approximately 13.8 million liquid cubic meters.
Since October 2018, the Terminal has been working at 100% of capacity.
“We are particularly proud of this milestone - said Giovanni Giorgi, Managing Director of OLT. A significant achievement not so much for the number but above all for the way we achieved it. One hundred operations carried out safely and in full respect of the environment. This thanks to the professionalism of our team, both of those who work at sea but also of the staff on the ground: without them all this could not have happened”.
“Obviously - continued Maurizio Zangrandi, Managing Director of OLT - this is a goal not an end point.
As evidenced by the results achieved with the latest multi-year auctions, the outlook is also reasonably positive for the future. These results must encourage us to make this infrastructure increasingly competitive on the market, at the service of the country and fully sustainable with the territory in which we operate".
About OLT Offshore LNG Toscana
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana is the company that owns and manages the floating regasification Terminal "FSRU Toscana”. The Terminal, moored about 22 km off the coast between Livorno and Pisa, is connected to the national grid through a 36.5 km long pipeline, operated and managed by Snam Rete Gas, of which: about 29.5 km at sea, 5 km in the floodway and the remaining 2 km on dry land. "FSRU Toscana” has a maximum authorized regasification capacity of 3.75 billion Sm3 a year, about 5% of the national requirement.