Repsol makes three new gas discoveries in Algeria
Repsol has made three new gas finds in Algeria’s Sahara desert: One in the Reggane basin, where the company has already had a number of successes, another in the Ahnet Basin, and a third in the... (lue 1667 fois) Lire la suite
Repsol discovers a new large field of gas in Peru
Repsol has made a new gas discovery in Peru in the exploratory well Kinteroni X1 of block 57, situated in the Cuzco area. The initial production tests, currently in process, have registered gas... (lue 1633 fois) Lire la suite
Repsol YPF discovers a new natural gas field in Bolivia
Repsol YPF has announced the discovery of a new gas deposit in Bolivia at the Huacaya X-1 exploratory well. The production tests, still in progress, have registered flow rates close to 800,000 cubic... (lue 1662 fois) Lire la suite
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