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05 décembre

Petrobras has started production at the St. Malo field, in ultradeep US Gulf of Mexico waters
Petrobras has started production at the St. Malo field, in ultradeep US Gulf of Mexico waters
Petrobras announces that it started production today (Dec. 2) at the St. Malo field, located about 450 km south of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Water depth is about 2,100 meters in the Walker Ridge... (lue 2509 fois)
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02 décembre

FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela goes into operation in the Sapinhoa field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt cluster
FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela goes into operation in the Sapinhoa field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt cluster
Vessel platform Cidade de Ilhabela, deployed in the Sapinhoá field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt cluster, went into operation Thursday (Nov. 20). The new unit is part of the set of production... (lue 2516 fois)
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17 novembre

Petrobras: Sale of assets in Peru completed
Petrobras: Sale of assets in Peru completed
Last Thursday (Nov. 6), during a formal ceremony held in Lima, we completed the sale of 100% of the shares of our wholly-owned subsidiary Petrobras Energia Peru (PEP) to the China National Petroleum... (lue 2776 fois)
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29 avril

Nine platforms that will boost oil production in Brazil
Nine platforms that will boost oil production in Brazil
Petrobras works to become one of the world's five largest oil producers. Last year, petrobras reached the unprecedented mark of nine platforms delivered, which will add a million barrels per day to... (lue 2329 fois)
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24 mars

Petrobras: P-58 goes on stream
Petrobras: P-58 goes on stream
Production platform P-58 came into operation on Monday, March 17, as foreseen in our 2014-2018 Business and Management Plan. The unit is located in the complex called Parque das Baleias, in the... (lue 2480 fois)
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29 janvier

Operational start-up at Petrobras' third LNG Regasification Terminal
Operational start-up at Petrobras' third LNG Regasification Terminal
The Petrobras LNG Regasification Terminal in Bahia brings greater flexibility and assurances to natural gas supplies in Brazil, with regasification capacity now up to 41 million m³/day. At... (lue 2161 fois)
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22 janvier

Petrobras: Our reserved proved in 2013
Petrobras: Our reserved proved in 2013
We announce the volume of our proved oil (oil and condensate) and natural gas reserves, assessed at the end of 2013 according to ANP/SPE (National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency/Society... (lue 2482 fois)
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23 décembre

Declarations of Commercial Viability for the oil accumulations in the pre-salt
Declarations of Commercial Viability for the oil accumulations in the pre-salt
See our official statement on declaration that the oil and gas accumulations of Franco and Sul de Tupi are commercially viable: "Petrobras announces that it submitted to Brazil’s National... (lue 2712 fois)
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14 novembre

Petrobras: Asset Sale in Peru to CNPC for USD 2.6 billion
Petrobras: Asset Sale in Peru to CNPC for USD 2.6 billion
After the approval of its Board of Directors, Petrobras announces that today it has signed the documents selling its 100% shareholding in the wholly owned subsidiary Petrobras Energia Peru (PEP) to... (lue 2427 fois)
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25 octobre

Petrobras: Libra Auction Result
Petrobras: Libra Auction Result
"Petrobras announces that the consortium comprised of Petrobras (10%), Shell (20%), Total (20%), CNPC (10%) and CNOOC (10%) was the winner in the 1st Pre-salt bidding round held today by the... (lue 2546 fois)
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18 octobre

Petrobras Argentina finds natural gas in Neuquén
Petrobras Argentina finds natural gas in Neuquén
Petrobras Argentina announces the discovery of a new natural gas reservoir in the El Mangrullo area in the Neuquén province, near the cities of Plaza Huincul and Cutral Co, 130 km from the provincial... (lue 2284 fois)
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24 mai

Transpetro resumes agreements for 12 vessels with EAS
Transpetro resumes agreements for 12 vessels with EAS
Last Wednesday (May 22), our Transpetro subsidiary signed the addenda for the resumption of the Purchase and Sale agreement for 12 vessels commissioned from the Atlântico Sul Shipyard (EAS), which... (lue 2779 fois)
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20 mai

Petrobras acquired the largest amount of blocks in the 11th Round of the ANP
Petrobras acquired the largest amount of blocks in the 11th Round of the ANP
Petrobras are the company that acquired, (May 14), the largest number of blocks offered under the 11th Bidding Round organized by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). We acquired, in whole or in... (lue 2256 fois)
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16 juillet

Petrobras: Signing of contracts for the construction of six drilling rigs
Petrobras approved the signing of contracts with Sete Brasil for the construction of six offshore drilling rigs in Brazil at the Brasfels Shipyard in Angra dos Reis (state of Rio de Janeiro), with... (lue 2721 fois)
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20 juin

Petrobras: Acquisition of exploration blocks in Gabon
Petrobras: Acquisition of exploration blocks in Gabon
Petrobras, announces it has acquired, by means of its wholly-owned subsidiary Petrobras Participaciones S.L. – PPSL, 50 per cent of the stakes in the Ntsina Marin and Mbeli Marin Blocks, located in... (lue 3998 fois)
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10 juin

Oil and gas discovery by Petrobras in the Gulf of Mexico
Oil and gas discovery by Petrobras in the Gulf of Mexico
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras announces two major oil discoveries and a gas discovery in ultradeep Hadrian area waters, in the Keathley Canyon concession, in the U.S. portion of the Gulf of... (lue 3096 fois)
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23 février

Petrobras acquires exploratory block in Benin, Africa
Petrobras acquires exploratory block in Benin, Africa
Petrobras, inform that acquired 50% interest in Block 4, located off the coast of Benin – a country situated on the west coast of Africa -, from Compagnie Béninoise des Hydrocarbures (CBH), a... (lue 3263 fois)
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10 janvier

Petrobras Announces Anticipation of Pre-Salt Projects
Petrobras Announces Anticipation of Pre-Salt Projects
Petrobras, as the operator of Blocks BMS-11 and BMS-9, announces that it was approved the chartering of two new FPSO- platforms, intended for use in the Guará-Norte area and Cernambi field... (lue 4294 fois)
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31 décembre

Record oil production in Brazil for Petrobras
Record oil production in Brazil for Petrobras
Petrobras informs that in December it achieved three new records in Brazil: the monthly, annual and daily oil production averages. The monthly average for December will be approximately 2,120... (lue 3054 fois)
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02 novembre

New Discovery in Angola for ENI in partnership with Petrobras, Sonangol, Total, Statoil,  SSI Fifteen Limited, Falcon Oil Holding Angola
New Discovery in Angola for ENI in partnership with Petrobras, Sonangol, Total, Statoil, SSI Fifteen Limited, Falcon Oil Holding Angola
Petrobras announces a new discovery in well Cabaça Sudeste-2, drilled to delimit the recent oil discovery made in Block 15/06, off the coast of Angola. Located about 100 km away from the shore,... (lue 3439 fois)
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