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Petrobras: P-58 goes on stream
Production platform P-58 came into operation on Monday, March 17, as foreseen in our 2014-2018 Business and Management Plan. The unit is located in the complex called Parque das Baleias, in the... (lue 2480 fois)
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Petrobras: Our reserved proved in 2013
We announce the volume of our proved oil (oil and condensate) and natural gas reserves, assessed at the end of 2013 according to ANP/SPE (National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency/Society... (lue 2482 fois)
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Petrobras: Libra Auction Result
"Petrobras announces that the consortium comprised of Petrobras (10%), Shell (20%), Total (20%), CNPC (10%) and CNOOC (10%) was the winner in the 1st Pre-salt bidding round held today by the... (lue 2546 fois)
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