OMV Petrom divests production assets in Kazakhstan
OMV Petrom, the largest energy company in Southeastern Europe, signed the transaction for the sale of its 100% shareholding in Kom-Munai LLP (KOM) and Tasbulat Oil Corporation LLP (TOC) in Kazakhstan... (lue 1322 fois) Lire la suite
OMV Petrom started new drilling campaign in the Black Sea
OMV Petrom, the largest Romanian energy company, started new offshore drilling campaign in the shallow waters of the Istria block in the Black Sea. Two new wells will be drilled by the end of the... (lue 2171 fois) Lire la suite
New innovative Polyfuels technology at Petrobrazi Refinery
OMV Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in Southeastern Europe, announces approx. EUR 60 million investment for a new unit to be built in the Petrobrazi Refinery, based on innovative Polyfuels... (lue 2211 fois) Lire la suite
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