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1 - 20 | [21 - 40]

30 juillet

Edison: first LNG bunkering operation in the Adriatic Sea
Edison: first LNG bunkering operation in the Adriatic Sea
  - The ship-to-ship bunkering operations took place in the port of Trieste, using Edison's Ravenna Knutsen, which also supplies the Ravenna coastal storage facility. The refuelling, the first of its... (lue 1056 fois)
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29 juillet

Edison sells Edison Stoccaggio to Snam and focuses on energy transition
Edison sells Edison Stoccaggio to Snam and focuses on energy transition
  - The Edison Group monetises the value of a strategic asset for the Country in order to pursue its long term strategic plan and focus its investments toward energy transition... (lue 924 fois)
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03 octobre

Edison: the Greece-Bulgaria interconnection pipeline (IGB) starts commercial operations to contribute to Europe’s energy diversification
Edison: the Greece-Bulgaria interconnection pipeline (IGB) starts commercial operations to contribute to Europe’s energy diversification
Edison announces the start of the commercial operations of the Greece-Bulgaria interconnection pipeline (IGB). The infrastructure, developed by IGI-Poseidon and Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), was... (lue 1972 fois)
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11 mai

Edison signed an agreement with Wintershall Dea for the disposal of Edison’s stake in the Algerian licence of North Reggane, the latest hydrocarbon asset in Edison’s portfolio
Edison signed an agreement with Wintershall Dea for the disposal of Edison’s stake in the Algerian licence of North Reggane, the latest hydrocarbon asset in Edison’s portfolio
Edison announces that it has signed an agreement to sell its stake in the North Reggane license in Algeria, completing the divestment of all Exploration and Production (E&P) activities following the... (lue 1213 fois)
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26 mars

Edison: completes Edison Norge sale to Sval Energi for a value of USD 374 mln
Edison: completes Edison Norge sale to Sval Energi for a value of USD 374 mln
Edison announces the closing of the agreement signed with Sval Energi on December 30, 2020 to sell 100% of Edison Norge AS. Through this transaction, Edison exits the hydrocarbon exploration and... (lue 3366 fois)
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02 janvier

Edison announces the signing of the agreement for the sale of Edison Norge to Sval Energi
Edison announces the signing of the agreement for the sale of Edison Norge to Sval Energi
Edison announces the signing of the agreement with Sval Energi to sell 100% of Edison Norge AS, the company that controls the group's hydrocarbon exploration and production activities in Norway... (lue 1773 fois)
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18 décembre

Edison: close on the sale of Edison Exploration & Production S.p.A. to Energean
Edison: close on the sale of Edison Exploration & Production S.p.A. to Energean
Edison and Energean executed the agreement signed on July 4, 2019 and subsequently amended in June 2020 due to the economic impact of the pandemic crisis and the change in the transaction perimeter,... (lue 5617 fois)
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23 octobre

Edison with Enagás for small scale LNG in the Mediterranean
Edison with Enagás for small scale LNG in the Mediterranean
Edison and Scale Gas Solutions, a subsidiary of Enagás specialized in small scale LNG, finalized the transaction that makes the Spanish Company a new shareholder of Depositi Italiani GNL (DIG). The... (lue 2627 fois)
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29 juin

Edison: signing of the review of Edison Exploration & Production S.p.A sales agreement to Energean
Edison: signing of the review of Edison Exploration & Production S.p.A sales agreement to Energean
In relation to the agreement for the sale of Edison Exploration and Production S.p.A. (E&P) and its investments in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) sector at... (lue 2034 fois)
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27 décembre

Edison E&P closing agreement with Energean in 2020
Edison E&P closing agreement with Energean in 2020
Edison announces that the sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) announced on 4 July 2019 to sell Edison E&P S.p.A. to Energean Capital Ltd is still subject to some governmental approvals. Edison has... (lue 4378 fois)
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13 novembre

Edison extends the gas supply contract with Sonatrach until 2027
Edison extends the gas supply contract with Sonatrach until 2027
Edison and Sonatrach (Algeria’s national hydrocarbons company) have concluded an agreement to extend the existing gas supply contract until 2027. The contract will grant Edison an eight-year... (lue 3467 fois)
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04 juillet

Edison announces the signing of the agreement to sell Edison Exploration and Production to Energean Oil and Gas
Edison announces the signing of the agreement to sell Edison Exploration and Production to Energean Oil and Gas
Edison announces the signing of the agreement with Energean Oil and Gas to sell the 100% of Edison Exploration and Production (E&P) and its subsidiaries in the hydrocarbons exploration and production... (lue 2661 fois)
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17 mai

Edison: Development started on gas reserves in the offshore IBLEO
Edison: Development started on gas reserves in the offshore IBLEO
Edison Exploration & Production (40% stake) and Eni (operator with 60% of the shares) have started developing the gas reserves in the G.C1.AG. concession. The field will produce approximately 1.5... (lue 5051 fois)
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22 décembre

Edison International first gas achieved from Reggane project in Algeria
Edison International first gas achieved from Reggane project in Algeria
The operating consortium of Reggane has started production from the Nord gas fields in Algeria, located the south-western area of Algeria, approximately 1,500 km from Algiers, in the Sahara desert.... (lue 6038 fois)
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16 octobre

Edison signs binding agreement with Gas Natural Fenosa for the acquisition of Gas Natural Vendita Italia and of the Shah Deniz II gas contract
Edison signs binding agreement with Gas Natural Fenosa for the acquisition of Gas Natural Vendita Italia and of the Shah Deniz II gas contract
Edison and Gas Natural Fenosa have signed a binding agreement for the acquisition by Edison of Gas Natural Vendita Italia and of the Shah Deniz II gas contract. Edison, through this transaction,... (lue 1940 fois)
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13 octobre

Edison sells to Snam ITG and 7.3% interest in Adriatic LNG
Edison sells to Snam ITG and 7.3% interest in Adriatic LNG
Edison announces that it has transferred to Snam S.p.A. the 100% stake in Infrastrutture Trasporto Gas (ITG), owner of the Cavarzere Minerbio gas pipeline, and the 7.3% equity investment in Terminale... (lue 2403 fois)
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29 septembre

Edison: agreement with Venture Global for the purchase of 1 million tons per year of LNG produced in USA
Edison: agreement with Venture Global for the purchase of 1 million tons per year of LNG produced in USA
Edison and Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC (Venture Global) have entered into a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA), concerning the purchase by Edison of 1 million tons... (lue 1808 fois)
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06 juillet

RasGas makes milestone 500th LNG cargo delivery to Edison at the Adriatic LNG Terminal
RasGas makes milestone 500th LNG cargo delivery to Edison at the Adriatic LNG Terminal
RasGas Company Limited (RasGas) celebrated the 500th liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo delivery to its long term customer, Edison, under the Long Term Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) signed... (lue 4756 fois)
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07 juin

Gazprom, DEPA and Edison ink Agreement of Cooperation on the southern route for Russian gas supplies to Europe
Gazprom, DEPA and Edison ink Agreement of Cooperation on the southern route for Russian gas supplies to Europe
Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom, Marc Benayoun, CEO of Edison and Executive Vice President of EDF for Gas and Italy, and Theodoros Kitsakos, CEO of DEPA and Chairman of... (lue 2934 fois)
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02 septembre

Edison-RasGas: agreement for long term gas contract from Qatar
Edison-RasGas: agreement for long term gas contract from Qatar
Edison and RasGas signed an agreement to adjust the price of the long term gas supply contract from Qatar to reflect current market conditions. The agreement settles a commercial discussion... (lue 2907 fois)
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