Oil India Limited (the “OIL”), the National Oil Company of India, announces that Mozambique Rovuma Offshore Area-1 Project (the “Project”) has satisfied all the conditions precedent for the first debt drawdown of the project financing, which was finalized by the Project in July 2020. The senior debt financing of USD 14.9 Billion comprises of Export Credit Agencies (the “ECA”) Direct Loans, ECA Covered Facilities, Commercial Bank Facilities and a Loan Facility with the African Development Bank. The first drawdown from project financing is expected in April 2021.
OIL is a Sponsor in Area 1 Block, through its 40% shareholding in BREML, which holds a 10% Participating Interest in Area 1. The remaining 60% shares in BREML are held by ONGC Videsh Limited. Area-1 Project will be Mozambique's first onshore LNG development, initially consisting of two LNG trains with total nameplate capacity of 13.12 million tons per annum (MMTPA) for which Final Investment Decision (FID) at consortium level was announced on 18th June 2019.
The Project is operated by Total E&P Mozambique Area 1 Limitada, a wholly owned subsidiary of Total SE, with 26.5 percent working interest. Co-venturers include ENH Rovuma Área Um, S.A. (15 percent), Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area1 Limited (20 percent), ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited (10 percent), Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited (10 percent), BPRL Ventures Mozambique B.V. (10 percent), and PTTEP Mozambique Area 1 Limited (8.5 percent).
About OIL
Oil India Limited (OIL), a Navratna PSU, is a fully integrated E&P company in the upstream sector and is the second largest national oil and gas company of India as measured by total proved plus probable oil and natural gas reserves and production in India. OIL is engaged in the business of exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas, transportation of crude oil and production of LPG. It has vast experience in reservoir management and expertise in IOR/EOR operations. OIL also provides various E&P related services to make it a fully integrated E&P Company.
Besides having a Pan-India presence, OIL has Participating Interest in blocks in over eight countries overseas viz. Libya, Gabon, Nigeria, Venezuela, USA, Mozambique, Russia and Bangladesh. The Company also has stake in Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited and Assam Petrochemicals Limited. This completes Oil India’s presence in the entire hydrocarbon value chain. OIL also has its presence in Renewable Energy and City Gas Distribution.