KMG International Group will allocate over 6 million USD until 2018 for the modernization and automation of fuel loading-unloading systems of internal depots and terminals from Petromidia Navodari refinery – the largest profile unit in Romania and one the modern facilities in the Black Sea region.
“The project is part of the measures taken by the Group in order to consolidate and improve the supply chain activities in Romania and is part of the vast program started in 2013 – Change for good aimed at streamlining and optimizing the entire stream of specific operations – petrochemicals, trading - supply chain, retail - marketing, upstream – industrial services. The implementation of the program will reduce the fuel loading-unloading times by 30%, automate the verification and issuance of related documents and reduce losses, will provide traceability and real time stock management”, says Zhanat Tussupbekov, CEO KMG International.
The Group has recently completed the successful implementation of the pilot project at Mogosoaia depot, operated by Rompetrol Downstream – KMG International retail division in Romania. The project was started in 2014 and ensured the transparency of fuel transfer from the depot reservoirs to partners’ trucks, automation of deliveries data collection and generation, and optimization of loading time.
The project also allows to significantly reduce the technological losses, ensures a secured access by automatic identification of truck and driver, the delivery documents and licenses being verified at the depot’s gate ensuring the safe transportation of oil products on the national roads.
The Group will modernize its systems of reporting, fuel control (gasoline, diesel, LPG) loading/unloading, transfer and traceability of products from the refinery – primary logistics (train, vessel) – depots - secondary logistic (trucks).
The program will cover both the 6 depots (Arad, Craiova, Mogoșoaia, Simleul Silvaniei, Vatra Dornei and Zărnești) and the 5 terminals from Petromidia Navodari refinery, including two of terminals operated by the company in Midia port – Berth 4 and Berth 9.
The project is developed in partnership with Implico, an international consulting and software company with headquarters in Germany and offices in Malaysia, USA and Romania. Implico, market leader in EMEA, supports numerous oil and gas companies since 1968 in downstream operations, offering end to end solutions and optimizing their business processes.
“This project is challenging as we deliver a central, fully automated supply management system. We created a seamless integration from terminal and refinery field equipment into Rompetrol’s ERP system and we are certain that the process optimization and controls implemented are backing the Rompetrol Downstream – KMG International retail division’s goals.” states Michael Martens, Managing Partner of Implico.
The distribution network of Rompetrol in Romania is comprised of over 740 filling points (Rompetrol stations, Partener Rompetrol, Rompetrol Expres, internal bases of 9 and 20 m3), 230 LPG distribution stations, 9.000 cylinders distribution centers, 3 LPG bottling stations in Constanta, Arad and Bacau and 8 depots (Arad, Craiova, Mogoșoaia, Simleul Silvaniei, Vatra Dornei, Zărnești, Onești and Petromidia).
The internal sales of the Group subsidiaries (Rompetrol Rafinare, Rompetrol Downstream and Rompetrol Gas) during nine months of the year reached 1.76 million tons, a 3% increase compared to the same period in 2014.
About the Rompetrol Group
The Rompetrol Group is fully owned by the national petroleum and gas company of Kazakhstan – KMG and is represented in 12 countries most of the company assets are concentrated in France, Romania, Spain and the South-East of Europe. The company is involved in refining activities, marketing, trading, exploration and production, petrochemical and industrial services. The Rompetrol Group intends to become one of the most important petroleum companies in Europe, in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea regions. In 2012, the Company recorded a turnover of 10.8 billion USD.