Adresse : 2-3-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku,
Ville : Yokohama
Code postal : 220-6001
Pays : Japon
Tél. : 81-45-682-1111
Fax : 81-45-682-1112
Site internet : https://www.jgc.com/en/
Description (Fr) : JGC réalise des grands projets internationaux dans le domaine pétrolier et gazier
Description (En) : JGC is working together with major oil companies as well as petroleum companies in the oil producing countries, and is pursuing the optimization of the entire project, from the viewpoint also of the profitability of the project. JGC offers its services throughout the project, from development planning to plant construction and operation and maintenance (O&M), contributing to maximum investment efficiency from a life cycle perspective as well as business implementation.
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