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JERA and EDF Trading enter into LNG sales and purchase agreement
édité le 26/05/2016 - Plus de news de "EDF" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "EDF"
EDF Trading, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF S.A., has signed an LNG Sales and Purchase Agreement with JERA Co., Inc (JERA)
The agreement is for the sale of LNG to EDF Trading for delivery to European LNG terminals for a period of approximately two and a half years from June 2018.
“This agreement broadens our relationship with JERA where we jointly operate a successful coal procurement and trading business in Singapore”, said John Rittenhouse, Chief Executive of EDF Trading. “LNG is an important fuel for the EDF Group and this is a natural extension of our activities with JERA”, he continued.
In the LNG market, EDF Trading is one of the world’s leading participants offering a complete range of services including purchase, supply and delivery, ocean-borne logistics, terminal capacity, regasification and nominations into pipeline networks. It has LNG master agreements with all of the market’s key participants and has been particularly active in supporting the growing demand for LNG in Japan, Korea and countries throughout Asia.
About EDF Trading
EDF Trading is a leader in the international wholesale energy markets. It manages a portfolio of assets which give it the ability to source, supply, transport, store, blend and convert physical commodities around the world. These capabilities enable EDF Trading to deliver essential asset optimisation services, risk management and wholesale market access to the EDF Group and its third party customers, helping them to realise the value inherent in their asset portfolios.
EDF Trading is active in the electricity, natural gas, LNG, LPG, coal and freight and environmental products markets. It is one of the largest wholesale market traders in Europe for power and gas and one of the leading marketers of gas and power in the US. Its subsidiary, EDF Energy Services is one of the main providers of generation services for power generation companies in the US and a leading US energy retailer for large commercial and industrial customers.
EDF Trading is a 100% owned subsidiary of EDF, the world’s biggest electricity generator.
About Jera
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. have jointly established JERA Co., Inc. (“JERA”) on April 30, 2015 to materialize a comprehensive alliance covering the entire energy supply chain, from upstream investments and fuel procurement through power generation (the “Alliance”) in accordance with a Joint Venture Agreement signed between the companies on February 9, 2015. It is the mission of TEPCO and Chubu Electric to ensure the stable supply of energy on an internationally competitive basis.
It is indispensable for TEPCO and Chubu Electric to have the ability to compete worldwide in order to fulfill this mission amid increasing global pressure on natural resources. TEPCO and Chubu Electric have therefore agreed to establish JERA in order to secure the stable supply of energy on an internationally competitive basis and also aim to increase the respective enterprise values of the TEPCO and Chubu Electric corporate groups through the business activities of JERA.
EDF Trading has around 950 employees with offices in the UK, Europe, Singapore, China, the United States and Canada.
Origine : Communiqué EDF
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