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  • Hoegh LNG : Hoegh Giant starts time charter contract with Gas Natural Fenosa
    édité le 07/02/2018 - Plus de news de "Höegh Evi" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "Höegh Evi"

Hoegh LNG : Hoegh Giant starts time charter contract with Gas Natural Fenosa
Höegh LNG Holdings Ltd. (Höegh LNG) announces that the FSRU Höegh Giant commenced its time charter contract with Gas Natural SDG, SA (Gas Natural Fenosa). As previously announced, the initial term of the contract is three years, and it includes the option for Gas Natural Fenosa to utilize the unit as an FSRU at a pre-defined day rate and for a pre-defined term. Until FSRU employment is established, the unit will trade in Gas Natural Fenosa's fleet, earning a LNG carrier spot-market-linked day rate. The Höegh Giant will transit the Panama Canal destined for Sabine Pass in the United States, where it will load its first cargo under the Gas Natural Fenosa contract, reflecting the flexibility and full trading capabilities of Höegh LNG's premier FSRU fleet.

For the additional 6 FSRUs and 2 LNGCs in the operating fleet, Höegh LNG is pleased to confirm that all units continue to operate in accordance with their long term contracts.

About Höegh LNG

Höegh LNG provides floating energy solutions and operates world-wide with a leading position as owner and operator of floating LNG import terminals; floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs), and is one of the most experienced operators of LNG Carriers (LNGCs).
Höegh LNG's vision is to be the industry leader of floating LNG solutions and the strategy is to continue to focus its growth plans in the FSRU market, with the objective of securing long-term contracts with strong counterparties at attractive returns. Höegh LNG is a Bermuda based company with established presence in Norway, Singapore, the UK, USA, South Korea, Indonesia, Lithuania, Egypt, Colombia, China and Turkey.
The company employs approximately 125 office staff and 500 seafarers.

A propos de Gas Natural Fenosa

Gas Natural Fenosa est une multinationale énergétique, leader en GNL en Europe et en Amérique Latine sur le bassin Atlantique et Méditerranéen (330TWh, soit 30 bcm/an). C’est également un acteur important sur la scène mondiale dans la fourniture de gaz naturel et d’électricité avec plus de 22 millions de clients répartis dans plus de 30 pays.
Fournisseur de gaz naturel en France depuis 2005, l’entreprise se diversifie en proposant une alternative économique et écologique de carburant pour le transport : le GNLC.
Forte de plus de 25 ans d’expérience dans ce domaine en Espagne, Gas Natural Fenosa possède un réseau de 27 stations dont 6 sont au GNL/GNC.

Origine : Communiqué Höegh Evi

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