GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques (GEA BTT), a subsidiary of GEA Heat Exchangers, landed a record order with a value of over 40 million Euros from the plant contracting companies Technip and JGC. The order was for more than 400 air-cooled heat exchangers for the three-line liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant under construction on the Siberian peninsula of Yamal. GEA BTT will design the heat exchangers, manufacture them over a period of three years, and deliver them to the customer. Technip and JGC are developing and building the first arctic LNG plant in Russia. Commissioning is planned for three phases and is scheduled to take place from 2016 to 2018.
The operating company Yamal LNG – in which Novatek holds 60 % interest, Total and CNPC 20 % each, – intends to build a plant based on the South Tambey field. The heat exchangers delivered by GEA will be installed in the three LNG lines, each of which will process 5.5 million metric tons of gas annually. The plant facilities will liquefy the extracted gas to reduce it to one six-hundredth of its original volume. This makes it possible to transport the gas economically by ship to markets of destination in Europe and Asia. A special LNG tanker with capacity of 170,000 m³ has been designed to enable LNG shipping the Arctic Ocean. The plant contracting companies also face a special climatic challenge. The GEA heat exchangers are likewise required to withstand Siberian temperatures for decades, and are designed accordingly. In this project, GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques is profiting from experience gained from many other projects in the power-plant, oil, and gas sectors. Philippe Piron, CEO of GEA BTT and responsible for the Business Unit Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers (AFC-ST): “I am pleased that our competence in LNG production has received recognition in this manner, and that we have won the order for this outstanding project.” The fact that GEA had gained extensive experience in the design and construction of heat exchangers for highly critical and climatically exceptional conditions of use also spoke persuasively for awarding the contract to GEA.
About GEA Heat Exchanger
Heat exchange energizes the world. And it is GEA Heat Exchangers giving the decisive impulse. With GEA plate heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, air cooled heat exchangers, finned tube heat exchangers, air filter systems, synthetic fillings for numerous areas of application, wet cooling towers and dry cooling systems as well as air-conditioning technology – our Segment gives comprehensive coverage of the spectrum. But even with probably the largest portfolio worldwide, that’s not all that’s on offer. What makes GEA Heat Exchangers unique and a partner of choice is the HX-Factor. Heat exchange with HX-Factor: That means customized, reliable and sustainable solutions conforming to the signs of the times.
About Yamal LNG
The Yamal LNG project will construct an LNG plant with annual capacity of 16.5 million tons per annum based on the feedstock resources of the South-Tambeyskoye field. According to the PRMS reserve standards, the proven and probable reserves of the South-Tambeyskoye field as of 31 December 2012 were appraised at 907 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The Project also requires the construction of transport infrastructure including a sea-port and an airport located at Sabetta (north-east of the Yamal Peninsula). The final investment decision for the Project was approved on 18 December 2013.
See the site of Yamal LNG