Tullow Oil plc (“Tullow”) provides an update on progress with the Priodontes-1 well, offshore French Guiana.
Tullow notes the announcement from its partner, Northern Petroleum plc issued at 11.40am today. This release was issued without prior notice from Northern Petroleum and without the approval of the operator or the joint venture partners.
Although the Priodontes well has not thus far encountered significant hydrocarbons, Tullow believes that this is due to a trap-specific issue and has no follow-on consequences for prospectivity elsewhere in the block. Tullow also notes that the shows encountered in the Bradypus fan, as described in Northern Petroleum’s release, underline the presence of a working oil charge system.
This well is now being deepened to a proposed target depth of 6,483 metres to target additional formations after which Tullow will issue a further update.