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  • DOF Subsea contract awards
    édité le 11/02/2019 - Plus de news de "DOF Group" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "DOF Group"

DOF Subsea contract awards
DOF Subsea is pleased to announce multiple vessels awards from undisclosed clients in two important growing regions for Oil and Gas: Guyana and Saudi Arabia.

The Skandi Neptune has already commenced operation in Guyana for survey work and planning a second campaign within 2019 for field Development Construction support activities. In addition, DOF’s group secured award for two PSVs, the Skandi Foula and Skandi Buchan, which will join the Skandi Neptune in the second quarter of 2019 carrying pipe and subsea hardware to the main installation vessels. The forecast assets utilization is estimated close to 650 vessel days plus options.

Geoholm commenced preparation in Singapore for marine and ROV operation in the Red Sea offshore Saudi Arabia for more than 700 vessel day campaign in support of a 3D Ocean bottom node survey projects.

These collectively award provide approximately NOK 425 million in additional backlog to the group of which 62% in 2019.

In a statement Mons Aase, CEO DOF ASA and DOF Subsea AS, said, “This is an exciting award for us, entering a new area and at the same time strengthen our position as a global subsea IMR provider. Guyana is a growing region where we expect increased activity going forward.”

About DOF Subsea Group

The DOF Subsea Group is a specialist subsea service business that provides subsea construction, subsea engineering, inspection, repair and maintenance and survey services, which involve complex and challenging engineering in an international environment.

Origine : Communiqué DOF Group

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