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  • DOF Subsea: Contract awards in Brazil
    édité le 23/05/2019 - Plus de news de "DOF Group" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "DOF Group"

DOF Subsea: Contract awards in Brazil
DOF Subsea Group has secured two contracts in Brazil. The first contract has been awarded by Sapura Energy do Brasil in Northeast of Brazil for final Client CELSE (Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe S.A.). Skandi Seven will be utilised for this project and will perform a Riser and Umbilical installation for a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) for natural gas supply to Celse's power plant. The project is 20 days firm and 4 x 5 days options commencing last week of May.

Second, the PLSV Skandi Niterói has been committed with TechnipFMC for the Peregrino Phase II SURF Project of Equinor in Brazil. She will start operations in the next few months on this project announced by TechnipFMC on September 28th, 2017. The Skandi Niterói, a Brazilian flagged flexible lay and construction vessel was built in Brazil and is owned by a Joint-Venture formed by DOF (50%) and TechnipFMC (50%).

The CEO, Mons Aase, states that he is very pleased with this contract awards, which confirms the DOF Group's strong position in the South America region.

About DOF Subsea Group

The DOF Subsea Group is a specialist subsea service business that provides subsea construction, subsea engineering, inspection, repair and maintenance and survey services, which involve complex and challenging engineering in an international environment.

About Sapura Energy Berhad

Sapura Energy Berhad is a global integrated oil and gas services and solutions provider operating across the entire upstream value chain. The Group’s spectrum of capabilities covers exploration, development, production, rejuvenation, as well as decommissioning and abandonment. With a highly-skilled and technically-capable workforce, strategic world-class assets, and strong project management capabilities, the Group today delivers its integrated solutions and expertise in over 20 countries.

About TechnipFMC

TechnipFMC is a global leader in subsea, onshore/offshore, and surface projects. With our proprietary technologies and production systems, integrated expertise, and comprehensive solutions, we are transforming our clients’ project economics.

We are uniquely positioned to deliver greater efficiency across project lifecycles from concept to project delivery and beyond. Through innovative technologies and improved efficiencies, our offering unlocks new possibilities for our clients in developing their oil and gas resources.

Origine : Communiqué DOF Group

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