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  • DOF Subsea awarded multiple contracts in the Atlantic region
    édité le 14/08/2020 - Plus de news de "DOF Group" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "DOF Group"

DOF Subsea awarded multiple contracts in the Atlantic region
DOF Subsea is proud to announce multiple new contracts in the Atlantic region.

The contract awards include work within our core service lines - Survey, Inspection, Maintenance & Repair and Decommissioning. A selection of the vessels in the DOF Subsea fleet shall be deployed to undertake the work, including Skandi Acergy, Skandi Seven and Skandi Skansen. The work is planned for execution in Q3 and Q4 2020 and totals above 150 offshore vessel days.

Mons S Aase, CEO, DOF Subsea said, "DOF Subsea is dedicated to deliver safe and efficient subsea solutions. These awards secure good utilization for both personnel and subsea vessels in the Atlantic region for Q3 and Q4 2020. We look forward to working with our clients to deliver the projects safely and efficiently."

About DOF Subsea Group

The DOF Subsea Group is a specialist subsea service business that provides subsea construction, subsea engineering, inspection, repair and maintenance and survey services, which involve complex and challenging engineering in an international environment.

Origine : Communiqué DOF Group

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