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Industrie pétrolière > Opérateur


Adresse : Cepsa Tower, Paseo de la Castellana, 259
Ville : Madrid
Code postal : 28042
Pays : Espagne
Tél. : (+34) 91 337 60 00
Fax : (+34) 91 337 68 19
Site internet :
Effectif : 12000

Description (Fr) :
Opérateur pétrolier Espagnol, qui intervient dans tous les domaines pétroliers : l’exploration et la production, le raffinage, le transport et le marketing des dérivés de pétrole, et la fabrication des produits pétrochimiques. Elle dispose d’une capacité de raffinage de 21 million de t de brut par ans dans 3 raffineris : Gibraltar, La Rabida, Tenerife et 1700 centres de distribution en Espagne.

Description (En) : Cepsa is a leading international company committed to sustainable mobility and energy with a solid technical experience after more than 90 years of activity. The company also has a world-leading chemicals business with increasingly sustainable operations.
In 2022, Cepsa presented its new strategic plan for 2030, Positive Motion, which projects its ambition to be a leader in sustainable mobility, biofuels, and green hydrogen in Spain and Portugal, and to become a benchmark in the energy transition. The company places customers at the heart of its business and will work with them to help them advance their decarbonization objectives.
ESG criteria inspire everything Cepsa does as it advances toward its Net Positive objective. This decade, it will reduce its Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 55% and the carbon intensity index of its energy products sales, which includes Scope 1, 2 & 3 by 15-20%, with the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050.

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