Adresse : 1 - 4 Avenue Bois-Préau
Ville : Rueil-Malmaison
Code postal : 92852
Pays : France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 52 60 12
Fax : +33 (0)1 47 52 70 14
Site internet : http://www.cedigaz.org/
Email : julien.mintz@ifp.fr
Description (Fr) : CEDIGAZ est un Centre d'information international sur le gaz naturel, qui regroupe plus de 190 membres répartis dans 40 pays, dont la plupart des grandes compagnies pétrolières et gazières internationales, ainsi que des organisations internationales, des banques, des consultants, des sociétés d'ingénierie et des fournisseurs d'équipements.
Description (En) : CEDIGAZ is an international association dedicated to natural gas information, created in 1961 by a group of international gas companies and the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP). It is based in Paris.
CEDIGAZ has 195 members in 40 countries, associating most of the leading international oil and gas companies, national and international organizations, banks, consultants, engineering companies and equipment suppliers. More than 400 copies of its publications are distributed throughout the world. Its members, and especially those represented in the Board of Administration, play an active role in defining and guiding CEDIGAZ' goals which consist in:
- Gathering, compiling and analysing information on natural gas, LNG, LPG and SNG in an exhaustive and critical way. Whether technical or economic, the information that CEDIGAZ deals with touches on all activities and aspects of the gas industry (exploration, production and processing, transportation, trade, storage and distribution, the use of natural gas and its prices).
- Diffusing this information in its periodic bulletins or in the form of surveys.
- Promoting and developing links between its members. The General Meetings in particular represent opportunities for the exchange of viewpoints between the different companies.
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