
Adresse : 1 St James's Square
Ville : Londres
Code postal : SW1Y 4PD
Pays : Royaume-Uni
Tél. : +44 (0)20 7496 4000
Fax : +44 (0)20 7496 4630
Site internet : https://www.bp.com/
Description (Fr) : bp (8ème producteur mondial de pétrole et de gaz) est la holding d'une des plus grandes sociétés pétrolières mondiales. Ses principales activités sont l'exploration et la production de brut et le gaz naturel; le raffinage, le marketing, le transport; ainsi que la fabrication et le marketing de produits pétrochimiques.
Description (En) : bp (NYSE:BP) is one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, serving millions of customers every day in more than 80 countries, and employing nearly 85,000 people. BP's business segments are oil and gas exploration & production, and refining & marketing. In alternative energies, BP has low- and no-carbon wind and biofuels businesses. Through these activities, BP provides fuel for transportation; energy for heat and light; services for motorists; and petrochemicals products for plastics, textiles and food packaging. It has strong positions in many of the world's hydrocarbons basins and strong market positions in key economies.
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