Germany plans to strongly diversify its energy imports in response to the dramatically changed supply situation, and LNG is expected to play a pivotal role in this regard. Against this backdrop, HEH plans to develop the LNG terminal in Stade as quickly as possible, both in terms of permitting and commercially, to provide the required energy import infrastructure. To accelerate the realisation of the LNG terminal, HEH is conducting an Expression of Interest Process from 21.03.2022 to 08.04.2022 where international market participants are invited to express their interest in booking long-term capacity in Stade as from 2026. To register for the process, please email .
Simultaneously with commercial development, HEH is pushing ahead with the permitting process. The permit documents for the terminal and port are expected to be submitted before Easter. With its planned regasification capacity of 12 bcm/a, the LNG terminal in Stade will be able to cover about ten per cent of Germany's gas demand. The hub is initially designed for LNG and low-carbon energy carriers such as bio-LNG and synthetic methane. As global supply grows, it will later also be available for the import of climate-neutral energy sources such as ammonia. Onward transport of gas and LNG is facilitated in several ways: overall the site in the existing Stade industrial park is strategically located close to the transmission network, and for small-scale LNG, it has excellent accessibility by rail, road and water, and our concept also includes a truck loading facility and a jetty for bunkering vessels.
"The interest in the future German LNG market is increasingly strong. With the Expression of Interest Process starting today, we are creating the foundation to quickly carry out the Binding Open Season process", explains Dr Johann Killinger, managing partner of Hanseatic Energy Hub. "We have done our homework, and with our strong partners we are ready to make our contribution to the diversification of German energy imports." The shareholder group consists of Fluxys, the leading operator of LNG terminals in Europe, Partners Group, a leading global private markets firm with USD 127 billion under management, and the Buss Group, a Hamburg-based group involved in the port, global shipping and wind energy sectors.
About HEH
The Hanseatic Energy Hub (HEH) is a terminal for liquefied natural gases at the industrial site of Stade. The independent hub diversifies German industry's long-term import needs for affordable energy. In a first expansion stage, a zero-emission LNG terminal is to be operated from 2026, with infrastructure also approved for bio-LNG and SNG. The planned regasification capacity is 12 bcm/a with a send-out capacity of 21.7 GWh/h. With the development of new climate-neutral energy sources, the hub will also facilitate the import of hydrogen-based energy carriers. HEH shareholders are the Buss Group, the energy infrastructure operator Fluxys and Partners Group.