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  • A memorandum on cooperation of Gazprom Export and Gasunie in small scale LNG is signed
    édité le 23/10/2012 - Plus de news de "GASUNIE" - Voir la fiche entreprise de "GASUNIE"

A memorandum on cooperation of Gazprom Export and Gasunie in small scale LNG is signed
Following discussions during the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June 2012 Gazprom Export (Russia) and Gasunie (the Netherlands) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of development of small scale LNG. The Memorandum was signed by Alexander Medvedev, General Director of “Gazprom Export LLC” and Paul van Gelder, Chairman of the Executive Board, CEO of Gasunie.

The signed document aims to establish cooperation between the companies in promoting the utilization of infrastructure for the loading of smaller parcels of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for transport by sea and/or land and the usage of LNG as a fuel for bunkering for marine and river transport. With this cooperation Gazprom may also become a potential customer of the open-access breaking bulk terminal which is planned to be developed near Rotterdam. The purpose is to make LNG available for distribution to marine bunkering and truck fuelling stations. In this way LNG can be used as a clean alternative transport fuel.
Gasunie participates in the development of this LNG Break Bulk services as an independent, open access infrastructure provider.

“The vast experience in the field of LNG production and supply as well as a possibility to realise some new large scale projects in this sphere will enable our companies to enlarge their joint contribution for the European gas market”, said Alexander Medvedev.

“This Memorandum is a next step in the cooperation between Gasunie and Gazprom Group. The development of small-scale LNG is important because of the superior environmental benefits of LNG as a motor fuel for both ships and trucks. LNG as a transport fuel is a solution for the transport sector which, in particular for shipping, will be confronted with stringent EU emission requirements as of 2015. I am very happy that we can work together with Gazprom Group in developing this opportunity”, said Paul van Gelder.

Gazprom and Gasunie have worked together for several years in different fields as part of a scientific-technological cooperation programme.

Origine : Communiqué GASUNIE

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