Naturgy is the energy company’s new brand, replacing ‘Gas Natural Fenosa’, and with which it will take on the new challenges defined in the Strategic Plan 2018-2022. This new name will cover the company’s businesses in Spain and internationally. In this manner the new brand of the parent company will be Naturgy Energy Group, S.A.
“We are highly aware that the world is changing. The markets, technology and in particular, people evolve and we, as a company, can do not other than to respond to these challenges, respecting our heritage of 175 years. With Naturgy, we are building an international brand adapted to all the global markets where we operate and where we will operate. After all these years, we are lending fresh impetus to address new commitments, to be closer to our customers wherever they are and to seek out simple, environmentally-friendly solutions”, explained Francisco Reynés, chairman of Naturgy.
One of the goals of this change is this global, transformative impetus of the new name, which will run parallel to the rollout of the new Strategic Plan to 2022 and which will lay the groundwork to consolidate the company as one of the chief energy operators on a global level.
The company announced the new brand to its shareholders during the course of the Shareholders General Meeting held today in Madrid, where the reasons for the transformation of ‘Gas Natural Fenosa’ into Naturgy were explained, highlighting the environment, simplicity, technological innovation, digitalisation and globalisation.
Naturgy seeks to represent the energy of our nature, together with a digital, global company that works to improve everyone’s life by means of simple, natural energy.
“The company is not starting from zero. We are already acknowledged as a friendly energy company that is committed to its customers. But this acknowledgment will increase as from now. We will go further, making life easier for our customers thanks to technology and meeting their needs. We will be simpler, more digital and more concerned with flexibility”, summarised the chairman for the shareholders in Madrid today.
The company, which will present its Strategic Plan tomorrow in London, is committed to simplifying processes, especially those that directly impact its customers, so the new Naturgy brand also seeks to boost easy interactions and accessibility to the world of energy.
About Naturgy
Naturgy is a leading multinational group in the energy sector, a pioneer in integrating the gas and electricity sector we head in Latin America and Spain.